This is my new favorite TV program.  Each episode started with a very very very.....messy room.  Then here comes the Messiah - Hellen.  She helps the owner to develop a way to clear the clutter, to throw out the unused, unnecessary, and sentimental value junks.  She also set up an organizing system for each owner, to help them maintain a comfortable living space. 

Watching the show have a therapeutic effect on me.  To see so many people have their living space so unorganized, make me feel better about my messy bedroom, messy closet, messy drawer, messy guest room, messy garage, etc.  

Seeing them don't know what to do with the mess they create, make me feel even better.  I've been thinking about clean my closet for the past two years already, and just don't know where to start.

Each time I watch the show, I feel like it clear up my own clutter piece by piece.

So, here is my favorite show for now.

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