I am an employee of the xxx which is a daily newspaper.  xxx has more than 300 employees who work in different shifts and 24-7 has people in the office working. 

Wei, Wei & Co.'s employee left A laptop computer and working paper files relating to the xxx 401(k) and  Profit Sharing Plans in the company's vehicle unattended.  All the important personal ID information was removed from the vehicle by the thieves on or about
May 17, 2007.

Wei, Wei & Co. noticed the theft in the morning on May 17, but did not notify anybody in xxx until May 21 after 5:00 pm.  In the letter to the xxx , Wei, Wei & Co. simply asked the employees of xxx to place a “fraud alert” on our credit files. Without explaining what will happen to xxx employees' personal credit or what is Wei, Wei & Co. going to do to prevent the collateral damages.

When asking about why delayed almost 5 days to notified anybody in the xxx .  The representative of Wei, Wei & Co. simply said they can't find anybody in xxx and they don't even have to notify us.

Wei, Wei & Co. not only leaving hundreds of customer's personal information in an unattended vehicle overnight, the way they handle this matter is very unprofessional, dishonest, and in very very poor manner. 

The xxx's employees are still trying to get a police report from Wei, Wei & Co. and I hope anybody who is trying to seek professional accountant's assistance from Wei, Wei & Co. will learn about our terrible experience in advance.

實在太氣了,一定要讓越多人知道越好,以免更多人被 Wei, Wei & Co. 賺黑心錢。請大家告訴大家。


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